Friday, January 04, 2013

So there is something impossible!

Contemplating being with mind,

Seeing the ocean in a drop,

Fathoming infinity,

Fathoming infinitely small,

Unlearning a learning,

Learning the same thing again,

Looking at the same thing again for the first time,

Feeling the whole world is just me,

Stopping of time,

Peeking into past,

Distancing from experiencing self,

Creating a witnessing self,

Becoming a stranger to self,

Looking at mind chatter as some gibberish going on, like non-sensical

Not hearing ruffling of leaves,

Not feeling the sunshine in face,

Becoming dead yet alive,

Laughing without reason,

Loving without reason,

Feeling desire-less,

Feeling neither happy not sad,

Being in the now, in the moment.

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