Thursday, December 31, 2020

Patanjali Yoga Sutras (contd.) #2

There is no pleasure that dispassion cannot give. 

Every moment is a peak experience.

Vitarka: Realization of definite irreversible logic/irrefutable understanding of reality. Everything is empty. 

Samadhi: After kriya. Meditative state in which you are in ecstasy.

Just I am. Fourth state of Samadhi.

By doing something/making effort you cannot achieve the samadhi state.

Only by practice of deep resting consciously. Meditation is you resting on your own.

Samadhi is not just this existence. It goes into the other worlds. People who do not have body can also get affected by meditation. You are influencing all levels of creations. Subtle bodies. Also in past and in future.

Asmita (I, me) is cause misery. That is why we do hollow and empty. We exist like space.

Your own idea in the mind gives your misery. Having a separate identity.

5 kleshas:

  1. asmita (ego)
  2. raga (strong craving) 
  3. dvesha (aversion, hatred)
  4. abhinevesha (fear)
  5. avidhya (ignorance)

Deep down in the very center point of you, there is no misery, none of 5 kleshas.

4 types of karma

  1. merit, 
  2. demerit
  3. mix of merit+demirt
  4. devoid of both merit+demerit (go for a walk in evening, has no merit or demerit)

vipaka: fruit of karma

The lord is every beings heart. Free from klesha, karma, vipaka.

The central core of life remains a virgin. Remains untouched by any events, happenings in life.

A circumference collapses into the the center.

There is no difference between God, Guru, Yourself. 

The core of your being rules the entire creation. Totality of consciousness.

The seed of all knowingness is present there. In that state of consciousness. How do you address it? Om is the nearest sound that it could be addressed with.

When you say OM prana is total, complete. All religions have a word close to OM. "

All other names are just the periphery.

There is enormous activity this very moment.

Just the memory of the lordship, can remove obstacles on your way. 

9 obstacles

Styāna: Illness in the body.

Styāna: Illness in the mind. Apathy, lack of interest and enthusiasm, boredom

Samśaya: Doubt of the self worth or ability. Doubts about the teacher.

Pramādā: Doing something wrong with an intention (knowing too well). Or not doing something that is needed. Negligence. Carelessness.

Alasyā: Heaviness in the body.

Avirati: Being engaged in any one of the sense objects and not coming out of it. Obsession.

Bhrāntidarśanā: Hallucination. Delusion.

Alabdhabhūmikatvā: Doubting progress & ability to succeed. One feels stuck.

Anavasthitatvā: I feel all the bliss, but it goes away. I have all good intentions. Very soon it is all gone. It doesn't stay. Not getting stabilized.

These obstacles bring dukha. Sadness. Bitterness. Lack of co-ordination in the body. irregular breathing. Shaky.

What do we do to overcome them?

Monday, December 28, 2020

Patanjali Yoga Sutras (Sri Sri Ravi Shankar) #1

When it comes to enjoyment, no discipline is necessary.

Where is discipline needed? When something is not enjoyable, not charming to begin with. It is primarily to calm down the mind.

That pleasure that comes after discipline is long lasting, authentic and sattvic pleasure. 

Discipline should not be for no reason. Purpose of discipline is to attain joy.

Being here total this moment is abhyasa.

Mind may bring all justifications, fantasies to go out of the moment.

Coming back to the center, to the seer, this moment, again and again, and again is abhayasa.

Vairagaya/Dispassion is necessary for meditation. For these few moments I sit, I don't care for anything. Putting a stop for all cravings.

Shatter all dreams and fantasies. Burn them down. What great happiness you want? You'll be finished soon. For sure. Under the mud. It is all going to end. 

Carefully look at each craving you have, and see what is in it. All objects of sense have limitations. 

Become free before earth eats you up.

Desire makes you unhappy. Craving for happiness brings misery.Happiness is just an idea in our heads.

Skillfully come to present moment. Defeat all objects of senses.

Once you know the nature of the being -- total bliss, total pleasure.

Become centered. The essence is dispassion. Abhayasa and Vairagaya.

Dispassion is like doing something for the first time, without connection to the past, or worried of the future.

What pleasure the dispaasion cannot give? Because it puts you 100% in the moment. Every moment is a peak experience.

Dispassion centers you. Gives you strength.

You cannot increase your awareness or intelligence by effort. This can only be achieved by relaxation. You must learn to relax. Conscious resting. Practice of deep rest.

Dissolving oneself with the nature is also meditation. PrakartiLaya Samadhi. Like watching ocean waves, or sunset.

Faith integrates the consciousness. Doubt disseminates it.

Smriti/Memory of joy/samadhi/self brings back to your self.

Equanimous mind gives rise of heightened awareness.

Very EASY for someone who gives it first preference. Then spiritual growth is more easy. Tivr Samvagana Aasana. Rest of things in life have second preference. First commitment is to be with the truth. 

Just by one pointed devotion to God.

The very center core of life is ruled by love. Beyond all changes, the very center of consciousness, there is love.

A flower blossoms because of love. Young ones are cared for because of love. Love is inbuilt in the creation. God is love. Love is God. Synonymous.

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Inner journey

Doubt until you find something un-dubitable.

Move inwards -- this is meditation.

Take 3 steps:

1. Observing all your activities: Body and it's acts. Remain a witness

2. When you have become capable of witnessing your body, watch the activities of your mind. Thoughts, dreams, imagination. Just remain a witness. As if you are standing by the side of the road. You are not part of this. Reflecting without any judgement. Just like a mirror. Become pure witness. As witnessing grows, thoughts stop in the same proportion. 100% witness => no thoughts, pure nothingness. This is the door to the last step.

3. In this step, witness the moods, feelings, which are more subtler than thoughts.

After this there is suddenly a quantum leap, where it happens by itself. You are thrown at the centre of your being. This is the end of the inner journey. You've come home.

Osho on three steps of Awareness

Question: Beloved Master, Is Maturation an ongoing process? How is maturation related to awareness? Please explain.

Osho: Yes. Maturation is an ongoing process. There is no full stop, not even a semicolon anywhere... it goes on and on. The universe is infinite. So is the possibility of your maturing. You can become so huge.... Your consciousness is not confined to your body. It can spread all over existence and all the stars can be within you. And there is no place where you will find a plate that says, ”Here ends the universe.” It is just not possible. It never begins; it never ends.

And you are part of it. You have been here always and you will be here always. Only forms change, and forms don’t matter. What matters is the content. So remember that particularly in America, containers matter more than the content. Who cares about the content? The container has to be beautiful.

Remember, the container is not you. You are the content. Forms change, your being remains the same. And it goes on growing, maturing, goes on becoming more enriched. And you ask, ”What is the relationship between awareness and maturity?” Awareness is the method; maturation is the result. Become more aware and you will have more maturity; hence, I teach you awareness and don’t talk about maturity. It is going to happen if you are aware.

There are three steps of awareness. First, become aware of your body – walking, chopping wood or carrying water from the well. Be watchful, be alert, aware, conscious. Don’t go on doing things like a zombie, like a somnambulist, a sleepwalker. When you have become aware of your body and its actions, then move deeper – to your mind and its activity, thoughts, imagination, projections. When you have become deeply aware of the mind, you will be surprised.

When you become aware of your bodily processes, you will be surprised there too. I can move my hand mechanically, I can move it with full awareness. When I move it with full awareness, there is grace, there is beauty. I can speak without awareness. There are orators, speakers.... I don’t know any oratory; I have never learned the art of speaking, because to me it looks foolish. If I have something to say, that is enough. But I am speaking to you with full awareness, each word, each pause... I am not an orator, not a speaker.

But when you are aware of speaking, it starts becoming art. It takes on the nuances of poetry and music. One man, a Western journalist, wrote a book, the new Mystics. His name is Aubrey Menen. He introduced me to the West. He has covered other mystics, but I was on his front cover. And the things he said, I could not believe myself. He said that he has listened to Adolf Hitler, who was a tremendous orator. He has listened to Jawaharlal Nehru, the first prime minister of India, who could hold millions of people while he was speaking.

He mentioned Kennedy – President Kennedy, who was a great speaker. But I was surprised: he said that listening to me, he felt a tremendous difference. ”Certainly this man is not trained in oratory or speaking, but whatever he is saying is reaching directly to people’s hearts. It was not the case with Adolf Hitler, Jawaharlal Nehru or President Kennedy; they were just repeating words like parrots.”

This is bound to happen if you speak with awareness. Then every gesture, every word has a beauty of its own. There is grace. When you become aware of the mind, you are in for a greater surprise. The more you become aware, the less thoughts move on the track. If you have one hundred percent thoughts, there is no awareness. If you have one percent awareness, there are only ninety-nine percent thoughts – in exact proportion. When you have ninety-nine percent awareness, there is only one percent thought, because it is the same energy.

As you become more aware there is no energy available for thoughts; they die out. When you are one hundred percent aware, the mind becomes absolutely silent. That is the time to move still deeper.

The third step: to become aware of feelings, moods, emotions. 
In other words, first the body – its action; second, the mind – its activity; third, the heart and its functions. When you move to the heart and bring your awareness there, again a new surprise. All that is good grows, and all that is bad starts disappearing. Love grows, hate disappears. Compassion grows, anger disappears. Sharing grows, greed disappears.

When your awareness of the heart is complete, the last surprise, and the greatest surprise: you don’t have to take any step. A quantum leap happens on its own accord. From the heart, you suddenly find yourself in your being, at the very center. There you are aware only of awareness, conscious only of consciousness. There is nothing else to be aware of, or to be conscious of. And this is the ultimate purity. This is what I call enlightenment.

And this is your birthright! If you miss, only you are responsible. You cannot dump the responsibility on anybody else. And it is so simple and natural, that you just have to begin. Only the first step is difficult. The whole journey is simple. There is a saying that the first step is almost the whole journey. Okay?


Wednesday, December 23, 2020

From the masters...

Consequence of being silent: When you are in tune with existence, love arises in you, life becomes abundant, and laughter for no reason. Just because the whole existence is so hilarious. So laughter arises spontaneously.

Everything is available in the now. But you have to be present.

Try: be present to this moment, and see what happens.

Life is itself its own goal. There is nothing outside life that you have to achieve.

While living live. Only dead people have goals. Be a little kind to yourself. And live intensely and totally. Live a little Hot. Sip a Gold Spot.

Existence is not moving towards a goal. Because sooner or later if there is a goal, it will be achieved, then what?