Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What is sound of silence?

Closing the eyes. And in total darkness. With no sounds to perturb. I hear something.
A constant hmmmmm. That actually can be heard anytime, and is always there, just suppressed.
If I wake up in the middle of night it is more clear.
Is it silence?
Or rather silence is stopping of all soundly distractions?
Is there an absolute silence?

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Getting born again

Not in another life. This life.

Not later. Now.

Throwing away all that has been. Re-starting fresh.

Now the teacher is not out there. But inside. Right here.

The next step is to be simply to be heard in silence.

In silence!

Dropping all associations, beliefs, faiths, ego, desires, everything...

Like disovering the tiny atom inside. The atom of self. That must be the same for every self. Including the divine or devil.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Is there a place where it is not?

The consciousness.

So ephermeral, so subtle.

Like everything is nothing but a form of it.

Not counting the form less domain at all. Where I wonder what it would be to be conscious about. There is absolutely nothing.

U-turn or meditation?

The ultimate goal is to lose your known self completly, and then realize the real infinite self that is always there. It is sort of going back to home where you started. You are finding your way back. Lot of hurdles will ensue.

All thoughts being saturated with current self need to gradually stop, and leave the mind. The mind must stop doing. Come to blank state. Empty itself of all forms.

There is effort at the beginning to make the U-turn. A lot of effort.

And then there comes a point where effort stops making any difference. Hopelessness arises. A point where further effort takes you nowhere. Where surrendering comes naturally.

It is both destruction and creation. Destroying old self, creating new self.

It can happen at any moment, and its different for everyone.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Meditation, what is it?

It has been said that one who explores the doors of meditation never returns unsatisfied. What must be in it?

Is meditation simply being alert? So that you can notice your thoughts, that you usually don't, before they have a chance to act through you, and take control?

Is mediation simply getting back the control, which is doled out to the thoughts, emotions behind thoughts?

Is meditation simply losing your identitity and dissolving yourself in nothingness?

Is meditation shifting your consciousness into nothingness, formlessness from the world of forms?

How can that help?

Is meditation a state of pure dis-passion, non-attachment to whatever it may be that you are doing? That is you don't care about the outcome, you just do every bit of the thing as an end in itself.

Meditation isn't easy to grasp as a concept.

The only way is to experiece it, by attempting it. It may or may not happen.

Closing yours eyes, and bringing awareness between thoughts. Increasing this awareness gradually. Anchoring on breath again and again if thoughts wash your awareness. Until thoughts lose their powerful force. And the force of awareness becomes stronger and stronger. To the point when there is just supreme awareness. Into all that is. Just all that is. This is home.  This is where time ceases to exist or stops.

Thursday, February 09, 2012

Path to Freedom

Conscious Mind is a limited tool to experience the real stuff.

Words are creations of mind can only be vague pointers to the real stuff

Consciousness of real stuff can be amplified.

By freeing oneself from being centered in mind.

Moving the energy out of mind where it is locked, fragmented most of time.

And centering the energy at one place, a place which cannot fragment the energy.

Which doesn't know fragmentation, and works on whole.

Where is it?

The heart, out there in sky in stars, in nature, in music...

Mind itself is trapped in forms, endless, infinite, myriads...

A formless world exists, which can be only experienced when one has abandoned the mind.

And moved on, and moved on to the indescribable.

Where there is no time, no memories, no future, no hopes, no objects to desire...

Where there might be a happenstance meeting with Gods.