Monday, December 27, 2004

Book about how to live life defiantly? There can be no book.

Observing the fragile universe. How it is working?
Your Mind and Body is an expression of urges
Break through the web of social conditioning, and experiment.
You and Universe? Separated, United.
Ways the universe rewards you.
Ways of universe: Be careful what you ask.
Power of thoughts? The origin of which you have no power.
Why do good to others? When should you stop?
Why Expressing Denial is painful?
Suppression is harmful, vent out your crap, do not sink, float, or you won't see anything else happening.
If selfishness feels good, why it is bad?
unconscious Processes against your conscious rules, whims
God, Ohh God! God Damn it! Who are we talking to? How do you get heard?
Why have fetishes? What could be they? How to enjoy?
Ever question Why me? Why I, I got fucked?
What Rocks? And why Rock Stars Rock?
What happens if we all die? No one to Pray? Does God exist then? For what?
Right or wrong? ummm, Get over it!
Extreme pain and extreme pleasure, rest is wait.
Running after Time? Make time run after you. Create times.
Free will? Experience various degrees of it. God can't mess with you even if He wanted to.
Fear? Noone is without it. Cling to your instincts, scream if you want to, run baby run!
Truth sets you free. Get out of prisons.
Walk with naked mind, no inhibitions.
Invent pleasure, and pain.
Invert pleasure, and pain, they have seeds of each other
society is just a system for those who stick with the default choices
Whatever thrills you, write about it.
What happens when you pray?
Doing Nothing, break off with your conditional impulses, freeing your mind.
Why free the mind? Why do you like music?
Internalizing Time, why it is bad?

Multiple Personality, why just 1?
What money can do, and what it can't
Imitating society, 99.99% of the time
Animal Goals, Simple Goals
Why I am not like the wire of the Guitar? The wing of the birds.
Everyone else is animal too, they just hide it too well
Humans don't like change, but it is inevitable, and for the good and the bad.
Enjoying the falling leaves, gravitation at work!
Tinker with thoughts?
Why everyone likes the alternate state of mind? Smoke, Alcohol, Music, Tobacco, Dance, Pot?
Bored from what?
Tons of regret, and Tons of guilt, and still room for more. We are made for it baby.
Cleanup emotional baggage how?
Love, Love, Love, Love, nothing better than it
Intention and Act
You are the King, the Queen
Why doing the same thing for someone else and not yourself makes it noble?
All this talk is mind, where is talk of the heart?
Freeing the mind is like Flying, developing wings, and having an aerial view
-Freeing the left mind, the right mind?
Living without mind, just by instinct like fishes and sparrows and squirrels
Rewiring? Is that possible?

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