Sunday, March 09, 2014

Marpa, Miracle of Trust

Marpa is one of the greatest tibetan mystics... one of the rare geniuses. He was one of the very very rarest beings in the whole history of human consciousness... like Buddha, like Jesus, of that calibre and of immense profundity. 

It is the great work of Marpa, the Tibetan mystic. Even his followers don't read it; it is not meant to be read, it is a puzzle. You have to meditate over it. You have just to look at it and then suddenly the book disappears -- its contents disappear, and only the consciousness remains.

Marpa was a very strange man. His master Milarepa used to say, "Even I bow down to Marpa." No master has ever said that, but Marpa was such....

Somebody once said to Marpa, "Do you believe in Milarepa? If so then jump into this fire!" Immediately he jumped! People ran from all sides to extinguish the fire knowing that Marpa had jumped into it. When the fire was put out they found him sitting there in a buddha posture laughing hilariously!
They asked Marpa, "Why are you laughing?"

He said, "I am laughing because trust is the only thing that fire cannot destroy."

Marpa became a great master. Marpa managed to transform the whole of Tibet to the path of the Buddha.

So sometimes it has happened that the teacher may not know, but if the disciple trusts, his trust can create miracles.

Miracle of Trust:

In Tibet, there is a beautiful story about Marpa. It may not be factual, but it is tremendously significant. I don’t care much about facts. My emphasis is on the significance and the truth, which is a totally different thing.

Marpa heard about a master. He was searching and he went to the master, he surrendered to the master, he trusted totally. And he asked the master, “What am I supposed to do now?”
The master said, “Once you have surrendered to me, you are not supposed to do anything. Just believe in me. My name is the only secret mantra for you. Whenever you are in difficulty, just remember my name and everything will be all right.”

Marpa touched his feet. And he tried it immediately — he was such a simple man. He walked on the river. Other disciples who had been with the master for years could not believe it — he was walking on the water!
They reported to the master that, “That man, you have not understood him. He is no ordinary man, he is walking on water!”
The master said, “What?”
They all ran towards the river and Marpa was walking on the water, singing songs, dancing. When he came to the shore, the master asked, “What is the secret?”
He said, “What is the secret? It is the same secret that you have given to me — your name. I remembered you. I said, `Master, allow me to walk on water’ and it happened.”
The master could not believe that his name…. He himself could not walk on water. But perhaps… he had never tried.
But it would be better to check a few more things before he tries. So he said to Marpa, “Can you jump from that hill?”
Marpa said, “Whatever you say.” He went up on the hill and jumped, and they were all standing in the valley waiting — just pieces of Marpa will be there! Even if they can find pieces of him, that will be enough — the hill was very high.
But Marpa came down smiling, sitting in a lotus posture. He came just under a tree in the valley, and sat down. They all surrounded him. They looked at him — not even a scratch.
The master said, “This is something. You used my name?”
He said, “It was your name.”
The master said, “This is enough, now I am going to try,” and the first step in the water, he sank.
Marpa could not believe it when he sank. His disciples jumped in and somehow pulled him out. He was half dead. The water was taken out of his lungs… somehow he survived.
And Marpa said, “What is the matter?”
The master said, “You just forgive me. I am no master, I am just a pretender.”
But Marpa said, “If you are a pretender, then how did your name work?”
The pretender said, “My name has not worked. It is your trust. It does not matter who you trust — it is the trust, the love, the totality of it. I don’t trust myself. I don’t trust anybody. I cheat everybody — how can I trust? And I am always afraid to be cheated by others, because I am cheating others. Trust is impossible for me. You are an innocent man, you trusted me. It is because of your trust that the miracles have happened.”
Whether the story is true or not does not matter.
One thing is certain, that your misery is caused by your mistakes and your bliss is caused by your trust, by your love.

As told by Osho in “Beyond Enlightenment”

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