Monday, March 24, 2014

Buddha Brats!

Adamas (2013-01-22). Buddha Brats A Modern Tale Of Enlightenment

When you realize that there is no fixed point at which consciousness assembles, because reality is created anew at every moment , then one is free to shift it at will to pretty much any place you want. The mind will perpetually seek to return things to a state of normality in order to maintain continuity and sanity, but the more you shift the more used to shifting you become, and as a result – the more free.

I have always been open to any means of shifting my assemblage point – hallucinogenic drugs, psychosis and putting myself in all manner of extreme circumstances, to name but a few. Standing in a freezing Himalayan lake for half an hour I collapsed when I came out but the resulting shift to my consciousness was well worth the experiment. If you are suddenly taken out of your comfort zone, especially by extremes of reality, you are bound to reassemble at a new place which is for the most part a very energizing experience.

Enlightenment is sometimes described as the moment after a small fright, because then one is truly present and aware, and not off in your head thinking about the cheeseburger you are going to have for lunch, or the underwear model you would like to sleep with. These thoughts take us out of reality and put us in some pleasant fantasy which we only wake up from with a jolt as we drive into the car in front of us. This brings us back with a small or large fright to what is actually going on around us, hence the Buddha Brat ethos of using “everything and anything” to bring you back to the present.

Scary, frightening, horrifying and exciting situations all keep you very present and upon reflection everything I have done has been Crazy Wisdom Means to ensure that I do not get drawn out of the moment by some attractive fantasy, losing sight of the real goal.

The whole concept of multiple personalities is little understood and often feared. As long as they do not fight with each other, the more personalities you have the better. Why be only yourself when you can be everyone else and a whole lot more? The more faces you have, the less chance there is that one will usurp the throne, claim dominance, and banish the rest. When this happens you get stuck with a dictator who refuses to relinquish power, and it eventually solidifies and starts to age you.

We have the capacity in us to be a god, a demon, an animal, a human, or a Buddha – literally anything. The easiest way to embrace this is to make peace with all of these Aspects and realize that we are all of them, yet none of them.

What face we put on for the day is actually arbitrary, and has no more meaning than flipping through the channels on a TV. They are all self yet none of them are self, and if we lock ourselves in one or two personalities we are severely limiting our true inheritance, which is All Form. The implications of this are huge. Anything, everything, whatever, whenever, as you like, bring it on.

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