Saturday, January 02, 2021

Patanjali Yoga Sutras (contd.) #3.2

Looking at a sunset, and you are in Samadhi. Mindy is steady. Senses are steady.

Steadiness is dignity, is the strength, is dispassion.

Experiment this. For a few moments keep your eyes, body steady. Almost immediately the mind will also become steady, stand still. And breath will become stand still too. This is where the time stops. Death stops. Immortality begins.

Before the time swallows you, the earth swallows, gulps you, you wakeup. You swallow the time.......that is samadhi.

Samadhi is the state where you feel you can stay like this for a million years, where the mind freezes. Secret of youthfulness, secret of bubbling enthusiasm, secret of renewal of life.

Every experience of your senses what you see becomes very bright, colorful and complete. Keen-ness of observation.

When you are happy you feel an expansion. Bloating. Awareness is expanding. You are relaxed. But you cannot be alert.

To thread a needle (to do something v minute) it needs keen-ness of awareness. You can't be relaxed. You need to be alert.

To have both -- is Samadhi. Both relaxed and keen/alert awareness. 

When you are in this state, you have heightened senses (you hear better, you see better).  

Samadhi enables sensitivity to other feelings too.

When you become sensitive (your instrument eyes, ears), nature becomes sensitive to you. Natures listens to you.

Seeing things as they are is Samadhi. Seeing through comparison is no samadhi. Seeing a mountain -- it's beautiful. But calculating mind compares -- it's like the other mountain.

When the self, and the senses, the object are in harmony. That is samadhi.

When you are eating food, and aware of every bit of it as you eat.

There is another type of samadhi, where you simply know you are. The feeling that "I am". This is nirvichar (thoughtless, hollow & empty) samadhi.

This is eyes close meditation. More and more of thoughtless samadhi, brings grace of the divine. . Mastery of hollow and empty leads to spiritual awakening. Innermost comes forth and blossoms.

The knowledge that comes from the depth of the being, is different from what you have heard, guessed. It is very special, flawless, beyond time, full of truth (ritambhara). This is pure knowledge. The impression from this deep consciousness removes/erases all other non useful impressions of the mind. It makes you new, renews you. Again and again. That is why you may feel a different person after meditation every time.

The goal is in every moment. Yet the path is long. There should be enthusiasm, with patience. Balance.

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