Sunday, January 03, 2021

Patanjali Yoga Sutras #5

Strength and purity is the purpose of tapas.

Svadhyaya: Self study, observing the self: Looking into the motives behind your actions. Often you don't go for things yo really want. You never looked into yourself. You are swayed away by fleeting thoughts, desires. Your desire is not even your desire.

Are you your thoughts, mind?

Self study eliminates misery and suffering of mind. Fears, anxieties.

Buddha has said this so beautifully. 

  1. kaayanupaschana, observe the body.  
  2. Vedanaanupaschana, observe the sensations in the body. 
  3. Chittanupaschana, observe the mind, the impressions in the mind, the thoughts in the mind. 
  4. Brahamaanupaschana, observe your very nature. Observe the dharma, the very nature that you are. 

Svadhyaya can eliminate all the mental or emotional impurities or fears, and Ishvara pranidhana, love of God, surrender to the Lord will complete the process.

How can love for God can blossom in you?

First step is to see Lord as separate from you. Lord of all virtues, and I am nobody. In this 'nobodiness' happens. Second step is to surrender.

Realize that it's all you, you (the Lord). This body, this universe is yours. This mind is yours. All mind's conflicts are yours. All the mind's beauty is yours. This offering itself is a technique which brings you back home.

Offer every breath, thought, moment of life. Anything. Offering all the negativity, positivity, you become free. By offering all the negativity, you will be free. By offering all those positive virtues you think you possess, you become free. You will not become arrogant. Virtues make you arrogant. Virtues make you behave as though you are special. 

It is your drawbacks which pull you down and make you feel bad about yourself . If you start feeling bad about yourself, you become unconnected to the divine. 

There is nothing to make you connected to the divine. It's up to you to feel close to the divine. To anybody for that matter. Even if they don't feel close, you can start feeling close. This is because nothing else can convince you that you are dear to the divine other than your own self. 

You just start feeling, that you are the most closest. Whatever seed you sow, it will start blossoming. 

To bring about samadhi in life.

What root causes of misery in life? 

Panch klesha. Ignorance is the root cause. What is ignorance? To think that which is not permanent as permanent. That is which not joy as joy.

A fixed idea about who you are, stops the growth and destroys you. Limits your possibilities.  You do not know who you are, that should be the right attitude. You are changing every moment and you have kept the possibility of change open. 

Asmita is one-ness of our intellect and our self. Inability to see the powers of the instrument as separate.

“Asmita or ego is thinking that the self or the intellect and the instruments of perception are one and the same.”


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