Thursday, December 06, 2012

Sri Sri Contentment Meditation

Let's sit comfortably and easily and let us close our eyes.

Our back rested if needed and head relaxed. Relax your shoulders.

Lets take a deep breath in. And breath out...

Another deep breath in. And slowly breath out...

Notice the tension and restlessness in the body if there are any.

Now with a smile take another deep breath, and let the tension in the body increase.

And slowly relax and breath out and notice the tension getting released.

Observe any contraction or stress in any part of your body.

Your may go one by one on any part of your body.

Let's take the right hand first. Right leg. Right palm.

Let the tension be there.

The breath and attention automatically releases the stress in the muscles.

Now lets switch over to the left hand. Breath in, and feel if there are in any tension. Left arm, left shoulder. And as you breath out relax your arm.

Now breath in with a smile. And feel your hips and lower back.

Breath in. And breath out.

Do not be in a hurry to get rid of any tension or stress. Without any smile let them be.

If you resist the stress it persists. The moment you embrace them it dissolves.

Breath in. Take your attention to upper back and chest. Hold the breath and let go.

Breath in. Take your attention to throat, neck region. And relax as you breath out.

Take your attention to the top of your head. Breath in once again with a smile and breath out....

Keep your attention to the top of your head. You may feel some sensation there. Just be with it.

Relax more and more.

Become aware of a point 12 inches above your head.

Become aware of a space 2 feet above your head. 24 inches above your head.

Breath in once again, ...................and breath out.

As you take your attention in the empty space above your head, notice the tensions in your body are getting relieved all by themselves.

Become aware of a distance of 10 feet above your head.

You may still feel some sensation at the top of your head.

Keep your attention up to 10 feet of space above you head.

Go little higher up, 50 feet above your head.

Become aware of a distance of 50 feet above your head

Take your attention further about 100 feet above your head

Another deep breath in. And breath out.

30,000 feet above your head

Almost the height where planes move.

Let go all your efforts and just relax.

Become aware of a tiny little star.

Ray of light from a distant star is falling right on the top of your head and passing through your body to the ground.

Breath in. And breath out

Breath in once again. And breath out

This moment your mind is expanding as well as becoming sharper

Breath in and let go.

Notice if there is any discontentment in the mind.

And observe any corresponding sensation in the body. It will be either on the left side or on the right side. Either in the head or in the chest or abdomen. Locate the unpleasant sensation in the body.

And without resisting them, just have little more attention on the feeling of discontent. Sensation of discontent.

Breath in once again and breath out.

The more aware you are less discontent you will be.

Take your attention to the sensation of discontent.

Relax and let go all concerns this very moment.

As you put your attention on the sensation of discontent it dissolves and disappears.

Let it take its time. Just relax.

Breath in once again. And breath out.

Contentment and peace are your nature.

Get back to your nature by relaxing into your breath.

Breath in.  And breath out.

Every outgoing breath relax more and more into your nature.

Nothing can give you contentment, as your very nature is peace and contentment.

Relax into your nature.

Another breath in. And breath out.

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