Saturday, April 02, 2005

Everything is a game?

Is everything in life some sort of game?

My everyday job. When I was asked what is your game plan to climb up? I had no answer. Struck by the observation that work is reduced to, looked at, valued by my game. Is work just this?

Seduction, a profound game. Who wouldn't accept this? History is filled by Casanovas. And tales of seduction.

Business. All these millionaire, billionaire folks talk in terms of game. Who is playing low ball, hard ball, soft ball? What is the next move?

Politics, the game of all games. As filthy and mean as it can get in any game.

Wars, the glorified, real, barbaric games.

A lion chasing a deer, becomes fight for survival game.

We play game all the time, even if we don't want to. Consciously forced to. Unconsciously programmed to.

Is living just playing game? Where does it originate? In our playful thoughts?

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