Thursday, December 31, 2020

Patanjali Yoga Sutras (contd.) #2

There is no pleasure that dispassion cannot give. 

Every moment is a peak experience.

Vitarka: Realization of definite irreversible logic/irrefutable understanding of reality. Everything is empty. 

Samadhi: After kriya. Meditative state in which you are in ecstasy.

Just I am. Fourth state of Samadhi.

By doing something/making effort you cannot achieve the samadhi state.

Only by practice of deep resting consciously. Meditation is you resting on your own.

Samadhi is not just this existence. It goes into the other worlds. People who do not have body can also get affected by meditation. You are influencing all levels of creations. Subtle bodies. Also in past and in future.

Asmita (I, me) is cause misery. That is why we do hollow and empty. We exist like space.

Your own idea in the mind gives your misery. Having a separate identity.

5 kleshas:

  1. asmita (ego)
  2. raga (strong craving) 
  3. dvesha (aversion, hatred)
  4. abhinevesha (fear)
  5. avidhya (ignorance)

Deep down in the very center point of you, there is no misery, none of 5 kleshas.

4 types of karma

  1. merit, 
  2. demerit
  3. mix of merit+demirt
  4. devoid of both merit+demerit (go for a walk in evening, has no merit or demerit)

vipaka: fruit of karma

The lord is every beings heart. Free from klesha, karma, vipaka.

The central core of life remains a virgin. Remains untouched by any events, happenings in life.

A circumference collapses into the the center.

There is no difference between God, Guru, Yourself. 

The core of your being rules the entire creation. Totality of consciousness.

The seed of all knowingness is present there. In that state of consciousness. How do you address it? Om is the nearest sound that it could be addressed with.

When you say OM prana is total, complete. All religions have a word close to OM. "

All other names are just the periphery.

There is enormous activity this very moment.

Just the memory of the lordship, can remove obstacles on your way. 

9 obstacles

Styāna: Illness in the body.

Styāna: Illness in the mind. Apathy, lack of interest and enthusiasm, boredom

Samśaya: Doubt of the self worth or ability. Doubts about the teacher.

Pramādā: Doing something wrong with an intention (knowing too well). Or not doing something that is needed. Negligence. Carelessness.

Alasyā: Heaviness in the body.

Avirati: Being engaged in any one of the sense objects and not coming out of it. Obsession.

Bhrāntidarśanā: Hallucination. Delusion.

Alabdhabhūmikatvā: Doubting progress & ability to succeed. One feels stuck.

Anavasthitatvā: I feel all the bliss, but it goes away. I have all good intentions. Very soon it is all gone. It doesn't stay. Not getting stabilized.

These obstacles bring dukha. Sadness. Bitterness. Lack of co-ordination in the body. irregular breathing. Shaky.

What do we do to overcome them?

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