Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Secret

Attract what you want in your life by following simple steps:

Feel happy for all the things that you already have in your life.
Feel the graditude, the thankfullness from your heart.

Ask for it. Place an order in the universe's catalog.

Beleive in it that you can have it, do it, get it, no matter what.
Take the first step in doing it. You don't need to know all the steps.
Feel that it is already yours, that you are already there, that you have already done it. Fake it, and feel good and happy about having it.
Visualize that you have it, or that you are in that situation, or that you have already become what you wanted to become.
Paint it out, get pictures of it, put it out in your surroundings.
All the time feel happy and upbeat

Receive it

Act on any thoughts you get, impulses, and intuitions you receive. Pick up any signals you get. Act on them.


Thoughts are creating the reality of this universe. Thoughts become things. We are all the time in creation process by our thoughts.

We create our reality literally ourselves in our mind.

What we are now is the result of manifestation of our past thoughts.
What we will be depends on our thoughts.

To not attract any negative things, consciously eliminate all negatives in your thoughts, talk, expression, and communication. This is so that negative things do not get our attention at all. If they don't get our attention, they'll never happen.

Whatever gets our attention manifests.

1 comment:

Bhanuja Sharma said...

Thats very nicely put. I love this line: Thoughts become things.