Wednesday, May 11, 2005


Y'day I drew a painting right after coming from work. Even without taking off clothes, and taking a shower.

It has + like crosses all over. The christ type cross. I don't know what does that signify?

But cross, trishul, om, swastika, all are divine symbols and are very similar if you notice.

I wonder what does all these symbols mean? And how did they prop up in human conciousness?

Shortcut symbols for the almighty?


Anonymous said...

Symbols are interesting and yes can be very similar in looks. Most are derived from pervious versions. Who came up with the first?

This link shows the history of the swastika... Nice web site with good reading.

I heard or read something sort of interesting the other day..Most likely came from the Middle East arena as it is chocked with religious items...But someone called someone else a "Cross worshiper". I had never heard this phase before in this manner as it was intended to put someone in a bad light.

Symbols point to periods in time...Never ending time as we know it today :) If periods in time are worth remembering, there might be a symbol to designate this time\period

Blue said...

Also, I think symbols are attempt at concretizing the supernatural.

After all what can symbol do?

It is probably not the symbol itself, but the deep beleif associated with it that does the magic.