Saturday, March 22, 2014

Miracle of Mindfullness

Book: ThichNhatHanh (Miracle of Mindfullness)

What are the Seven Miracles of Mindfulness?

If we bring mindfulness into every aspect of our life, we cannot help but experience life’s miracles.

The First Miracle is to be present and able to touch deeply the miracles of life, like the blue sky, a flower, the smile of a child.

The Second Miracle is to make the other—the sky, a flower, a child—present also. Then we have the opportunity to see each other deeply.

The Third Miracle is to nourish the object of your attention with full awareness and appropriate attention.

The Fourth Miracle is to relieve the suffering of others.

The Fifth Miracle is looking deeply into the nature of self and others.

The Sixth Miracle is understanding. If we are mindful of the present moment, we can see deeply and things become clear. With understanding, the desire to relieve suffering and give love will awaken within us.

The Seventh Miracle is transformation. By practicing Right Mindfulness, we touch the healing and refreshing aspects of life and begin to transform the suffering in ourselves and in the world.

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