Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Meditate on anything that appeals to you (Patanjali)

Meditate on the face of your beloved meditate. If you love flowers, meditate on a rose. Meditate on the moon, or whatsoever you like. If you love food, meditate on food. Why Patanjali says ”... whatsoever appeals to you”? Because meditation should not be a forced effort. If it is forced, it is doomed from the very beginning. A forced thing will never make you natural. So from the very beginning, find out something which appeals to you. There is no need to create unnecessary conflict. And this is to be understood, because mind has a natural capacity to meditate if you give it objects which are appealing to it.

Then spontaneously your whole being starts flowing. Just look at the face of your beloved. In her
eyes, meditate.

Ordinary religious teachers will say, ”What are you doing? Is this meditation?” They teach not to think of your beloved while you are meditating. They think that is a distraction. And this is a subtle point to be understood: there are no distractions in the world. If you make unnatural efforts, then there are distractions – you create them. Your whole being would like to watch the face of your wife, husband, your child, and the religious teacher says, ”These are allurements, these are the distractors. You go to the temple, to the church; meditate on the cross.” You meditate on the cross: again and again you remember your beloved. Now the face of the beloved becomes a distraction. Not that it is distraction – there is nothing special in meditating on the cross; you are simply stupid. What is the need to go and meditate on the cross? If it appeals you it is good, but there is no necessity. There is no special quality in a cross.

In fact, wherever meditation happens, there is the special quality. Meditation brings the special quality. It is not in the objects, it is in you. When you meditate on something, you give your inner being to it. Suddenly it becomes sacred, holy. Things are not holy; meditation makes them holy. You can meditate on a rock, and suddenly the rock becomes the temple. No Buddha is so beautiful like that rock when you meditate on it. What is meditation? It is showering the rock with your consciousness. It is moving around the rock, so absorbed, so deep in rapport, that the bridge is there between you and the rock. The gap disappears you are bridged. In fact, you don’t know now who is the observer and who is the observed. The observer becomes the observed, the observed becomes the observer. Now you don’t know who is the rock and who is the meditator. Suddenly, the energies meet and mingle, and there is the temple. Don’t unnecessarily create distractions – then you become miserable.

Distraction can be made the very object of meditation. And it is distraction because there is some appeal deep down, some harmony

Remember this, because you may be doing many things like that. Whenever you feel something is distracting, that simply shows that you are naturally attracted towards that, nothing else. So why create conflict – move into the same direction; make it an object of meditation. Be natural, don’t be suppressive and don’t create conflict, and you will attain.

Nobody ever attains through conflict. Conflict will create a split personality. Move to the natural attraction; then you are one, then you are whole, then you are together. Then you are one piece, not a house divided against itself. And when you move as one piece there is dance in your step and there is nothing which is not divine.

Don’t create any conflict. Remember, if love and meditation are in conflict, meditation will be defeated. Love will be victorious because love is so beautiful. Meditation can be victorious only on the wings of love. Use love as a vehicle.

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