Saturday, February 22, 2014

Freedom to be (Osho)

The moment you give your whole responsibility to somebody, unknowingly you are also giving your whole freedom. 
Naturally, all masters had to die one day, but they have left long lines of slaves: Christians, Jews, Hindus, Mohammedans.... What are these people? Why should somebody be a Christian? 
If you can be someone, be a Christ, never be a Christian.

Are you absolutely blind to the humiliation when you call yourself a Christian, a follower of someone who died two thousand years ago?

The whole of humanity is following the dead.

Is it not weird that the living should follow the dead, that the living should be dominated by the dead, that the living should depend on the dead and their promises that "We will be coming to save you"? None of them has come to save you.

In fact, nobody can save anybody else; it goes against the foundational truth of freedom and individuality. As far as I am concerned, I am simply making every effort to make you free from everybody – including me – and to just be alone on the path of searching.

This existence respects a person who dares to be alone in the seeking of truth. Slaves are not respected by existence at all; they do not deserve any respect. They don't respect themselves; how can they expect existence to be respectful towards them?

So remember, when I am gone, you are not going to lose anything. Perhaps you may gain something of which you are absolutely unaware.

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